Friday, May 29, 2020

Photography Magazines

I have a vast collection of mainly Australian photographic magazines. I have to clear up my office and sell or donate these. These were part of my training for the last 45years as I did wedding photography and other assignments. I am offering parcels of these to be posted anywhere in Australia. The titles are mainly Pro Photo and earlier versions,Australian Commercial Photography,Capture,Australian Photography.Australian Camera, Australian Video, Better Photography and many others. These will be a great resource of learning and even for teachers of photography. This is a fairly unique collection. You can learn about many of the past film cameras and trace the transition into the digital era.I am prepared to put your name on a box of these and post them to anywhere it is possible in Australia. $25 a box plus whatever postage comes to. Great to read and absorb if we are locked down more in the future. You will find much in these that you probably won't find on the internet.

Friday, May 8, 2020

More of Sales Preview of Pentax Film Cameras

Here are some of the Cameras and Lenses I may be including in a sale when the Pandemic has ended.
You can see a video where I talk about this group here.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

A Sales preview of what may be advertised for sale in the near future.

I am progressively reviewing my camera collection with a view to having a camera sale. This will likely be when life comes back to normal after the Pandemic has passed.
I have started a series of videos on my youtube channel as an introduction to this collection.
You can watch the first one here.

Here are some of the cameras and lenses featured in the first video on the Pentax Screw Mount (M42) Cameras and Lenses.